परिवार भारतीय समाज का केन्द्र बिन्दु है. परिवार भारतीय सामजिक व्यवस्था का आधार है. अगर परिवार मजबूत नहीं होंगे तो समाज मजबूत नहीं होगा. परिवार टूटेंगे तो समाज भी टूट कर बिखर जायेगा. एक ऐसी असामाजिक व्यवस्था जन्म लेगी जो मनुष्य को फ़िर से जंगल के कानून का गुलाम बना देगी. यह आवश्यक है कि हम सब मिल कर परिवारों के सशक्तिकरण का प्रयास करें.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Hey elders, burn your caste certificates

All SC, ST and OBC ministers at centre & states and also party functionaries should burn their caste certificates to ensure social justice to all. They should also motivate their children to do the same. They have a moral duty to allow the benefits of reservation to reach those who are waiting for them for last more than fifty years.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Meira Kumar is an elder. She is working for social equality. She should create an example before other elders in her party and elsewhere. She should declare how many times she has taken benefits of reservation as daughter of Jagjiwan Ram, after her marriage and then her children. After this she should point out what moral grounds she and her family have to still claim benefits under reservation policy. She should also justify that she and her children are still socially and financially backward.