परिवार भारतीय समाज का केन्द्र बिन्दु है. परिवार भारतीय सामजिक व्यवस्था का आधार है. अगर परिवार मजबूत नहीं होंगे तो समाज मजबूत नहीं होगा. परिवार टूटेंगे तो समाज भी टूट कर बिखर जायेगा. एक ऐसी असामाजिक व्यवस्था जन्म लेगी जो मनुष्य को फ़िर से जंगल के कानून का गुलाम बना देगी. यह आवश्यक है कि हम सब मिल कर परिवारों के सशक्तिकरण का प्रयास करें.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Meira Kumar is an elder. She is working for social equality. She should create an example before other elders in her party and elsewhere. She should declare how many times she has taken benefits of reservation as daughter of Jagjiwan Ram, after her marriage and then her children. After this she should point out what moral grounds she and her family have to still claim benefits under reservation policy. She should also justify that she and her children are still socially and financially backward.


Anonymous said...

dear sir, please check your mail. incase u have not recieved please inform me. waiting for an effective structure for yfe from you

Anonymous said...

Why only Meira Kumar, all SC, ST and OBC ministers in UPA government at centre and at state level should create such examples. It is shameful on their part to continue taking benefits of reservation policy.

Anonymous said...

SC, ST and OBC belonging to creamy layer should be debarred from taking any benefits of reservation policy. I am a senior citizen belonging to OBC. I took quota benefit only once to overcome my family backwardness. After that I did not feel any need of it. My children did not take any quota benefit and I am proud of it that I was able to provide them level playing field.

Anonymous said...

मै मानता हू कि हम बुजुर्गो ने अपनी जिम्मेदारी पूरी तरह नही निभाई. हम आजादी के फायदे बटोरते रहे. उन्है अपनो अपनो मै बाट्ते रहे. अंगरेजों की 'बांटो और राज्य करो' की नीति अपना कर समाज को बांट्ते रहे. जो जिम्मेदारी हम नहीं निभा पाये उसे आज के नौजबान निभा रहे है. जिन्दगी के आखिरी दिनों में हम कम से कम इनके साथ मिलकर तो चल ही सकते है.

Apun Ka Desh said...

Very valid point... well said.

Why would an ex-President (K R Narayanan's) family need any reservation? Why would Jagjivan Ram's daughter Ms Meir Kumar need reservation?

If they have never used it, and do not intend to use it - they can come out in open about it.


Anonymous said...

You must be seeing the stiff opposition to removal of creamy layer from quota beneficiaries. It is shameful. Such politiians are a disgrace on Indian democracy.